Below are the selections chosen from the 33 people remaining in the game.
There will be an update on Monday confirming who is still left in and who has fallen away.
Good luck to all.
Tony Birkett Yorkshire Carnegie
Neil Cawood Ealing
Tony Clabby Jersey
Matt Cockton Yorkshire Carnegie
Anne Coggins Ealing
Colin Coleman Bristol
Gary Dawson Yorkshire Carnegie
Phil Duke Doncaster
Eric Finch Bristol
Brian Greville Rotherham Titans
Ben Hallam Bristol
Nic Hallam Yorkshire Carnegie
Steve Haywood Yorkshire Carnegie
Alan Holloway Yorkshire Carnegie
Mike James Yorkshire Carnegie
Lindsay Jones Ealing
Alan Jones Jersey
Gary Kent Jersey
Michael Martin Yorkshire Carnegie
Kenny Miller Yorkshire Carnegie
John Newport Jersey
Shaun Penn Yorkshire Carnegie
Jacqui Phillipson Yorkshire Carnegie
Penny Ralph Bristol
Alan Rimmington Ealing
Lenny Rimmington Jersey
Paul Selwood Yorkshire Carnegie
John Sorsby Bristol
Barry Thurman Ealing
Brian Umpleby Yorkshire Carnegie
John Wainwright Yorkshire Carnegie
Janet Watson Bristol
Nick Woodwood Jersey