We hope to start our new game ASAP.
Once we have sufficient numbers, hopefully for the weekend of 29 February, our new game will begin.
With the prize money split 50/50 between the winner and the club, the more people who enter the bigger the cash prize.
Jacqui Phillipson won our last game and scooped a handy £205 cash prize; this time it could be you!
The cost to play is £10 and you can pay HERE
You can also pay Tony in the Rugby Office during normal business hours or at the bar on an evening.
If you’ve not played before, don’t worry as it is simple to play:
Once you’ve paid your £10 entry fee the club will email you a set of fixtures and you reply by selecting 1 team from the list to win. If your team wins you go into week 2 and so on until we have a Last Fan Standing.
Remember: You can’t pick the same team twice.
If you have any questions please contact: tony@titans-rugby.com
Thank you for your support.