'When Men Became Titans' - a souvenir history of the Club
ROTHERHAM Rugby Club is celebrating its one hundredth anniversary in 2023 – and here’s YOUR chance to get involved in one of the most astonishing stories in the history of the sport.
To mark the occasion, the club is producing a special one-off book ‘When Men Became Titans.’
With a foreword written by rugby legend Sir Bill Beaumont, it will feature 200 pages packed with some amazing stories and photographs, dating right back to 1923.
And this is your opportunity to feature in it. We will have a special Subscribers Page where, if you purchase an advance Gold Edition copy, you’ll get YOUR name – or a dedication to a loved one or friend – exclusively listed and free of charge.
The hard-back Gold Edition, with dust jacket, will be a limited edition and will never be reprinted.
Post and packing is £3 or copies can be collected from the club.
Orders are on a first-come, first-served basis. It’s easy to order your copy...just make payment via the BACS details below, fill in the form below and hand it in at the club office or click the link below to email the details to
john.whaling@titans-rugby.com and we’ll do the rest!
The deadline for Subscribers is June 30.
Prices are as follows:
Gold Edition £45 plus £3 P&P
Regular Edition £14.99 plus £3 P&P
BACS details:
Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Account Name: Rotherham Rugby Centenary Fund
Account Number: 37110560